Sunday, December 07, 2008

TGIO Isn't My Exact Emotion Anymore

One week has passed since the clock magically and cruely ended NaNoWriMo (I was just getting started, really). While I feel much better rested and am not in such a bad mood anymore to real life acquaintances, I really miss it.

Yesterday afternoon was Chicago's TGIO party and being there among the rest of the amazing region I'm a part of, made me really wish I had a working laptop and went to more events. This year was really tight knit.

It did make me feel pretty old as most of the people I started out with are no longer around. There were a couple of the class of 2003 still kicking around (though as I've said on here before, I really consider myself the class of 2004, that was the first year I really tried) but there were so many new, excited faces. I am a little jaded, I admit, though winning for a fifth time did feel as good as the first.

The only letdown was this year's TGIO venue was CRAP! I used my newfound love of Yelp to rip the cold, dark sushi joint that is Aria a new behind! About the only way it could have been worse is if they were blasting bad music over our conversations.

I found out something really weird at the party though. This woman who started at my work last Wednesday was one of the two MLs for Chicago. How I managed to miss that, I don't know (though she did look vaguely familiar right when she started). So if I'm still at this job next November (which I don't think I will be, at least not the entire month since I've vowed to quit on my 10 year anniversary, November 18, regardless) at least I won't get odd looks from 100% of the staff.

Though with how NaNo is growing, perhaps there will be even more NaNoers at work as it starts its second decade.

If I don't end up FiMoing this year and writing about that, I just wish NaNo luck as it starts its second decade. Hopefully I'll still be around to participate.


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