Thursday, November 06, 2008

Things Are Just Not Working Out

This is not going well.

On the 3rd, I just couldn't be bothered to write. The 4th I was drinking with people in Ukrainian Village and Wicker Park to celebrate Barack Obama's win.

You'd think this would be inspiring but after living on the adrenaline of watching the Democrats sweep through state after state and staying up until 2:45 a.m. or so, I was exhausted on the 5th. Amazingly I made it into work for a half day. After coming home, I planned to write (and run to Circuit City to get a new battery for my laptop), but ended up sleeping until it was time to meet my parents who were in town.

Today I went to see my weekly movie early and came home to write.

Miraculously I squeezed in about 1000 words to leave me at 2,256. Still far behind where I should be since this is 10,000 day.

Tomorrow I really need to get that laptop battery or I am not going to finish, let alone make the cut for the word war team.

I still haven't come up with anything to write about. I still know the story and today I'm writing sort of random observations about Indiana that I drew from my road trip earlier this year but it is really boring me.

What I really need to do is spend tomorrow figuring out what I want to happen. If I'm not writing in November I don't even know what else I'd do with the month. Maybe sleep or something. We'll have to see.


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