Friday, November 07, 2008

My Story Is Dying Like My Laptop Is Dead

I now sit with two absolutely dead laptops.

I went to Circuit City this evening to buy a new power chord for the laptop I've been using most recently. I plugged it in and nothing seemed to happen. Eventually I got frustrated and turned the laptop on its side. Amazingly the computer came on. As soon as I would face it back down, however, the battery light would go off and just as suddenly the computer would shut itself off.

Now no matter which was I face the computer, there is nothing.

This is the same thing that's been wrong with my better laptop since June. Two laptops that won't even start to boot up even if they've got working batteries.

On Sunday I'm going to take the better laptop into Best Buy and have them fix it. I guess I have the money since I spent $100 on the power cord either way.

This isn't going to help much since I leave for New York City on Tuesday and I'm sure they won't have the computer done until the weekend following (half way through the month).

Tomorrow I'm going with my parents to the Shedd Aquarium before going to dinner with them.

So it looks like I'm stuck on 4,435 words for now after writing on and off between 9:00 and 10:45. I don't even know how much I wrote during this time since I was fighting with the laptop for most of it. I have how much I was at after a writing session yesterday night after I wrote the entry. But it seems like right around 800 words.

And I still don't have a plot besides a guy driving. Right now I've got him in James Dean's hometown in Indiana. Except he's not a rebel without a cause, he's just stuck in a novel without a plot.

I just feel like once I actually get to write the way I want to, things are going to work out.

But by that point, it might be too late in the month.


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