Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hopefully Tomorrow Night Will Not End Up In Regret

I am now officially stressed out. I hoped to be at about 46,000 when I left the Detroit area to go back to Chicago. I should get home in plenty of time to have almost ten hours available to me but I still feel like I'm pushing the limits.

Still, after this last writing session of the day, I stand at 44,051 words. Now a little under 6,000 words could be easily doable if I thought I had that much left in my story. I'm really pushing my two goals for this year a little too close together.

I think I could finish my novel in just about 3,000 words, but I have at least twice that until I reach the required word count.

I just introduced the last element into the story. It will take the main character back to Washington D.C. to rescue Jenae and it will create conflict with Amy (the physician's assisnt who the main character is now together with - a lot happens when you write 5,000 words in one day).

I know this will all end up with Cal taking another drive to drop Jenae back home in West Virginia with the baby. And, well, he would pass through Columbus (where Amy is from) if he drives back to Chicago.

There is plenty I probably could work in if I had more time but I don't.

Only time will tell (and a little over 24 hours of that) what my warped, tired mind comes up with to try to solve this dilemma. But it will not involve any cheating. No dream sequences, none of that. I pride myself in never having used these.

Though I've never been so close to the edge before.

I would say why I'm so close to the edge, but I feel like I don't have time to. Cliff Notes is that yesterday I went to see "Milk" at the Main Street Art Theater in Royal Oak, Michigan with the girl who almost ruined NaNo 2007. Then today I went downtown to Detroit with my sister before going out with dinner in southwest Detroit with my entire family.

If I didn't think I could pull off 6,000 words tomorrow (my record is over 8,000) I would probably regret going to Detroit today. But as it stands I think I would regret not seeing Detroit this Thanksgiving weekend more.


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