Friday, November 09, 2007

Inside The Inside Of My Mind

The best part of NaNoWriMo is not even realizing that the cable is out. But, since the cable is out, I don't get to wake up early tomorrow and watch the footcer (my favorite team Fulham is playing Liverpool). Though I probably will wake up early anyhow (it's the 11:00 a.m. match on Fox Soccer Channel so it's not really that early) and write.

Or like last Saturday I'll crop some photographs as I have other year-long creative endeavors that I can't just stop in November. This is what I did last Saturday. The good news on that front is that I don't have my cropping laptop (the one that hooks into a full sized monitor which for some reason the one I'm writing this blog entry on doesn't) as I've loaned it to Samantha.

So really I have no excuse not to just write all day tomorrow. I'll find some excuse to write almost nothing I'm sure but that's not the plan right now. If you look at the awesome new widget on the right side of the page, last Saturday is a little red day.

Though my word count (18,651) is not setting a good example for most of Team Chicago so I really should do something about that and there's no better day than to start tomorrow. That sounds pretty slacker until you consider that there's not really much time left in today (an hour here in the U.S. Central Time Zone).

I'm still not feeling totally well so maybe I'll end up sleeping all day tomorrow, who knows.


I did something today that I haven't done all of NaNo, I wrote at work.

We're getting new computers on Monday at work. As departmental technology liaison, that's going to be a pretty hadesish day for me. I only mention this, however, because I wanted to get one last day of writing in on my old work computer.

That computer has served me well for three NaNos so it deserved at least one more college try. I wrote 592 words on it during lunch.

It's sort of odd writing at work, especially considering that I managed to leave myself on a Tabitha rant yesterday. It should have provided real life inspiration that the real life Tabitha was around (though the character is moving further and further away from this starting point and becoming pretty unrecognizable) and she and I are (I don't know if she knows this) on a "piss me off and I'll put you in my novel" mode right now.

I guess I've started to feel guilty that I'm badmouthing her so much thusfar in my novel. But since it's no longer her except for one aspect, I don't feel as bad.

It's really more an indictment of all Chicago artists than it is of any one. And since that's a reoccuring theme for me, I think it's all good. Though some others might disagree.

Today was actually an awesome day at work full of good times and laughs. Doesn't make for writing a really negative chapter next about work (if I choose to do that). I'm not feeling that negative right now in general so Holden Caulfielding isn't on the agenda.

Of course I'm about to watch a movie so maybe getting to sleep late will put me in a more bitter mood. I figured I'd be full of piss and vinegar this November but maybe writing everything down has been a bit too cathartic.


One thing did raise my ire today though. The fact that I left the words I wrote at work at work. I was actually amazed when I wrote in the filler words how long that it took. It's sort of refreshing that I can now write faster in the context of the novel than I can outside of it.

I shouldn't really put this on here, but I'm going to anyhow:

[17362 17362 17362 Get This From Work on Monday 17362 It Talks About Kate Trying to Put the Little Green Evelope’s neighbors back in piles and Tabitha yelling at her and saying that if the situations were reversed, Andy wouldn’t do the same.

It establishes the fact further that Kate is still trying to help Andy even though she’s mad at him. It would have been good to have this but you were in such a hurry to get out of work that you left it there.

You are sort of an idiot for doing this, but, hey, at least your laptop didn’t explode like last year so you’re doing something right. Well maybe you’re doing something right but I bet you won’t go back and read the 17362 words that you’ve wrote so far, will you?

Yeah, this will hopefully never see the light of day even though I’m probably going to post this on the blog tonight or at least talk about it.

65 more words and I’m back at 17000. It’s harder to talk about what I wrote than it was to actually write it.]


[17362 works to establish Tabitha as an artsy fuck. Her apartment is just what you’d expect with all the right books (which Little Green Envelope calls written narratives) and all the right films and such.

It also establishes her a pothead who likes to “wake and bake” but Little Green Envelope doesn’t judge her.

I leave it up to the reader to judge her in that regard or not despite my obvious hatred of the character from beyond the fourth wall. I mean, I can see why Kate sticks by her and all but there’s not much redeeming about her yet. I’ll have to change that. She’s not entirely one dimensional.

Neither was Cassandra. For the record. But I already talked about that in the blog yesterday so typing it here to kill words is the heart of redundancy. 17362, I’m almost at 17,362 so I can start writing as soon as I take a nap. Though I need to get dinner. That’s very important. Can’t write exhausted tonight because I need to write something to latch onto tomorrow. Maybe Kate taking the Little Green Envelope to work so he can see first hand if her job really in unfulfilling as she seems to think it is.

It probably is. Kate is sort of spacey but she’s got a good perception on things. 17362. Almost at 17,200 now. It doesn’t seem like I wrote this much at work but I was writing for a solid half hour. Well, maybe not solid but at least trying to write at work on the last day on my old computer. I’m so flippin’ tired now that I don’t want to even write the hundred filler words I have left.

But I’m going to because if I can’t write 100 filler words, how am I going to write anything tonight?

Should I even write tonight? I mean, I’m not going out but maybe I should watch a movie. I have “A Lot Like Love.” It would be good to watch a romance movie since I’m writing about them. Yeah, I’ll probably do that after I drive to Taco Bell and get food. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow.

17362. I feel like I’m singing “Seasons Of Love.” So I’ll just say that I left off where Little Green Envelope is talking about how silly Hollywood portrays marijuana use. And these here are the last nine filler words.]

I've always said this is truly a window into my mind during the month of November so now everyone can see how the gears turn behind the scenes. Or even further behind the scenes than I put on here.

It can sometimes be a pretty scary place, I have to admit. :)


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