Sunday, November 19, 2006

Another Few Hundred Words Wasted

Back from the hinterlands of northeast Michigan (another one of God's great creations and they sing no end of it/he/she/their praises for making it let me tell you) and back to writing.

The wedding I was the best man in was interesting to say the least. I related the whole story this morning in my LiveJournal entry, "Back In Chicago After My Little Crazy Vacation" so I won't relate the whole thing again here. Needless to say, there wasn't very much time to write. I had 0 word count the two days I was in Michigan plus the night before I left as I had to see my weekly movie (I've seen a movie at one of my two neighborhood theaters for 47 weeks straight) and pick up my rental car.

So all of that being ahead of pace, that's out the window.

By the way, for those who read that LiveJournal entry and wondered how many words that was, it was 2,027 words. If you combined those with the words I actually wrote in my NANO novel today, I'm back on word count pace and over 30,000.

It's just too bad there's no way to work that into the novel.


I did work a wedding anecdote (though it was actually at a bat mitzvah the story happened) in my NANO to finally get the wheels rolling again. It a story about the last time I saw my grandfather (dad's side) alive. He was nearing 85 years old and it was right before the Altzheimer's really started to take hold. There was a bat mitzvah in Michigan of one of my father's cousin's kids and my grandfather flew up for it.

Even though not everyone in the room was related to him, they all knew who he was. And the reverence everyone showed him was amazing. For most of the wedding he sat by himself in a corner surveying a room full of people of all ages he had seen growing up and just smiled. It was like the culmination of his entire life and I would have to think it was one of the last great moments.

Over the weekend I met my friend who I was best man for's grandfather - an old Ukrainian man who came over in the middle of the century - and it was a similar situation with him (though not as much since the bride's side dominated the attendees) and it occured to me a theme that I wanted to touch on in the story - the respect people have for people who survive to old ages.

I guess no matter what else we aspire to, most people aspire to one day be in that position - to be able to look back on our lives and just smile at all of those around us of all ages who we touched in some way (even if it was second hand).

Which pretty much brought me back to the first few words of the novel and MC Anthony reflecting on his own mortality. And getting back to square one seems to have been just what the novel needed.

Even if I didn't even hit the 2,000 word mark today.




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