Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why I've Been Putting Off NaNoFiMo

I had an entry for tonight all written that was relatively NaNoWriMo free but my laptop had connectivity issues and ate that entry. I'm hoping that I can't blame the TGIO party but ever since I connected to Fado's network, my laptop hasn't had a good connection at home.

Not that I can blame this for the fact that while I've been a big booster of and have even posted on the boards of NaNoFiMo, I still haven't written a single word in my novel since the conclusion of November.

I had big plans to do so this weekend but I instead chose to try and get ahead in my Netflix quest (which I mentioned in the interview so who knows if it will make the final NaNoWriMo podcast) and have now watched four Netflix movies in four days watching both "Carlito's Way" and "Carlito's Way: Rise To Power" today.

These actually go along with my NaNoWriMo quite well as they're underworld movies. I haven't watched a good political radical movie in quite some time. That's my next goal since I should watch at least a couple of movies based on underground revolutionary movements before I start to do my editing. I've pretty much got the ethos of that particular subset of fiction ingrained but it doesn't hurt to refresh every now and again.

Both movies deal heavily with my primary theme of "who can you trust in a world of lies?"

And they were especially helpful in the fact that, at least in the prequel, it's not the major players in the drama. It's not the kingpins being discussed, it's low-level management. They don't pull the strings, but they have the resources. It's pretty much the same level as mine and proved some good pointers on how to make this low level interesting.

Hopefully, my tales of low level political underground operatives is at least readable at the current time because besides being NaNoFiMo unofficially, December is also NaNoTraMo - I just made that one up - National Novel Trading Month.

Last year turned out to be a nightmare since my trading partner never finished beta reading mine (though I can't blame her because it was pretty rough) and the one that I got was Science Fiction written by a 14-year old who padded his word count. I have no problem with word count padding but I wish he would have put back in the contractions before handing it over.

The whole thing made me go cross-eyed. :)

Though I do have to admit that by the end, I did really want to know how it turned out (unfortunately there was no ending). That's the thing about most NaNo novels. My friend Todd, who's not a NaNoer but knows a lot characterized them as the following, "all plot." And, yes, most of them are stories without deeper themes but some of those stories are interesting.

This year promises to be much better. I got a romance novel from a 19-year old and reading through the first few paragraphs, I'm actually quite interested in what she has to say. If for no other reason than she has an epilogue where she goes through all her story's possible shortcomings.

It does look to be a pretty simple story, but a very interesting one.

My book, on the other hand, poor girl is a very complex story and very boring. :)

She lists religion as one of her primary interests on the NaNoWriMo site so I was a little worried about that, but she promises there aren't any religious overtones so I'm happy with that.

We'll have to see.

Well, I'm going to cut this one relatively short since my goal for tonight is to get to sleep around midnight. I swear that I'm going to start NaNoFiMo the day after the night I get a good night's sleep.

I should be helped out by the fact that "Prison Break" has ended its season but won't be helped out by the fact that I still have "The Sea Inside" at home to watch to make five movies in five days.

Tuesday I should have no movies from Netflix so that's my day. ;)


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