Friday, December 09, 2005

Reviewing What Happened Yesterday

I finally got my act together yesterday night, sat down and finished Chapter 19 of my NaNoWriMo/NaNoFiMo novel. 860 somewhat awkward words later, the uncomfortable scene where Liam cheats on Mia with Emily is written.

3,053 / 30,000

I saw it's uncomfortable because that's the way I designed it. Basically I took the middle ground where Emily is intentionally seducing Liam and the protagonist takes the bait, rationalizing it as "doing it for the cause" because he's still not sure if Emily is wired. So what's the best way to make sure there's no recording devices on her? Get her naked of course (at least in Liam's mind).

The way I wrote it is that the door and the scene close right after Emily closes Liam and Mia's bedroom door behind the main character. I'm thinking they don't actually have sex but enough has already happened that Liam has officially cheated on his fiancee for real in the way he thinks (and whether this is actually happening or not) his fiancee is cheating on him with Matthew Starwood.

Now, Mia is not going to see it that way and it's going to make a good part of the story later on (though at the rate I'm going, that's not going to happen until April).

Now comes a really exciting part of the story where the happy tryst of sorts is broken up by a knock at the door by Officer Charlton who's come to arrest Liam.

Yesterday, for only the second time since the start of November, I used the "Character and Plot Realism Q&A" forum on to pose a query on arrest procedures in the United Kingdom.

I did this because I don't want the scene to be unrealistic. I needed to clear up things like: are there miranda rights in the United Kingdom and do they arrest people in the name of the soverign?

The answers turn out to be yes (but they are not required as in the United States) and no. But a Brit who answered my question said that he thought in an alternate reality there would be nothing wrong with someone being arrested "in the name of the queen."

So I think I will have Officer Charlton say this. If it turns out my beta readers are disturbed by this, I'll just take it out later.

When I'm going to write Chapter 20 remains to be seen as this weekend I'm going to try to clean up my apartment and such. I know I'll start and probably write a good 2,000-5,000 words this weekend. But with how long a lot of my chapters are, who knows if this will mean finishing it?


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