Saturday, December 17, 2005

No More Filibustering On My NaNoFiMo Novel

There are weekly challenges on to write 7,000 words from Monday when you wake up until Sunday when you go to sleep. Last week I failed miserably but this week I'm going to try and actually get a little smiley face next to my name (the only reward and it's on the honor system). To accomplish this feat, I have to write 2,561 words in the next two days.

11,232 / 30,000

If I can't do that, I might as well throw in the towel on the whole excursion.

The word count may be made a little more difficult by the fact that I'm going to West Lafayette, IN tomorrow to watch my youngest sibling graduate from Purdue tomorrow. But I should be able to write 1,200 words or so on the car ride before my laptop battery dies.

But, I'm going to actually attempt the "improbable" (but not the "impossible") by doing the whole over 2.5k today. It should only take a couple of hours but I keep putting off NaNoFiMo to make sure I stay ahead with watching the movies.

I'm at a point in the novel now where I have to decide exactly how the novel ends. This is the exact point where who the spy really is becomes transparent (and as we've learned in the United States recently, transparency and spy are not mutually exclusive) so I have to decide on one of three storylines to end the novel.

And, I think this time I'm actually going to have Liam get arrested, no false alarms. It feels like about six weeks ago that I asked on the boards (even though it was only about a week ago) what arrest procedures were in the United Kingdom. I will get 30,000 words this month but if I don't get my act together, there's no way I'm going to write "the end."

It's gotta go down today! There will be no filibuster!


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