Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A Very Happy NaNoWriMo Wrapup

In two minutes National Novel Writing Month draws to an end and checking out my friends list, congratulations to the following:

rosemilk (who wrote a positively astounding 111,888 words), squirrelgirl22 (61,767), infanttyrone (51,858), ivymere (50,526), reliantfc3 (50,022), oracleofdoom (50,009), and bandersnatch_02 (who was doing it on the sly, so much so that he didn't register his word count on the site, and last reported 50,003 - the last of which was "better").

Honorable mention to hollowpoint who fought the brilliant fight to the end and finished with a very respectable 40,270 words. I'm sure he's going to kick 50,000's ass next year!

I'm incredibly proud of all of you! Thank you for making November an enjoyable experience!

And of course I'll give myself a pat on the back for finishing with 53,229 words.

53,229 / 50,000

Wow, 106.5. Sounds like the frequency on the FM dial that a really bad country station would be on. :) I guess it beats 88.5 or something which would have been good music but a sad word count percentage to finish at getting so close.

It was good news all around in the little corner of NaNoWriMo that I'm the closest to. Team Chicago 2005 in our challenge with St. Louis ended up with 38 of our 47 team members completing their novels.

Yes, you read that right reliantfc3. That was 38 out of 47. :)

The final word count is still to be tallied by the MLs but I'm thinking that St. Louis' 23 winners aren't going to hold a candle to Chicago.

Overall, I finished 25th out of writers who list Chicago as their location. This includes some people from the suburbs (who listed Chicagoland as their location and the like) but I'm glad to finish on the first page again. Overall in Chicago proper, 130 writers of the 668 that are in the city (though that includes people who signed up in past year who didn't even participate this year) finished their 50,000 words.

I'm proud to be on the first page of such a prolific group for the second year in a row.

Go ChicagoWriMo! Overall Illinois::Chicago finished #8 in word count as a region!

Looks like the windy in our city also counts on the keyboards.

The final sentence that I wrote in November 2005 was at about 3:30 p.m. this afternoon (I took the day off from work hoping to hit 60,000 but that just didn't happen). The final sentence of my November noveling was: "Don't worry, you'll get your fiancee back when this is all of this is over."

I think it's a pretty fitting final set of words even though I myself do not have a fiancee. So, the final two words I wrote for NaNoWriMo were is over. I like to count the final five words as it has a better ring to it, though, "all of this is over."

Not necessarily the end like they're theoretically supposed to be. But isn't "the end" derivative to the extreme anyhow? :)

I was a little bit worried stopping there since I figured that would see my word count and write 3,500 words this evening just to beat me. But, in the end it's good news there too as the final one v. one Chicago/St. Louis word war ended with the following results:

incendiarymind: 53,229 words
reliantfc3: 50,022 words

I hope we're both around for round #2 of the series next year!!!

Tonight was my night of celebration. I went to Mama Desta's, an Ethiopian restaurant at Clark and Belmont (a pretty famous intersection here in Chicago) just south of Wrigleyville - of course that designation is a little misleading as both Clark and Belmont and Wrigley Field are both technically in the neighborhood of Lakeview and Wrigleyville is just a sub-neighborhood.

Ethiopian is my favorite cuisine on the planet (and tonight I finally decided after much consideration that Korean is my least favorite) so it was an absolutely wonderful treat.

But the night got even better as I went to see my favorite band of all time Dinosaur Jr. at Metro (which is in Wrigleyville proper). For those who remember my Lollapalooza rant, I was pretty upset at JayLouMurph for playing nothing off of "Green Mind" because Lou wasn't in the band at the time. Tonight they remedied that situation by playing "The Wagon."

The set was far from perfect but it was a good reward for finishing just the same.

I think I'll just have to top it for NaNoFiMo once I actually write "the end" as opposed to "all of this is over."


Blogger Sya said...

Wow, congrats to you and your region! Roughly 30% in my region managed to squeak by...

7:28 PM  

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