Sunday, November 27, 2005

Not Quite The Entry That I Planned On Writing

So much for using the last weekend of NaNoWriMo to write a lot of words. I did write 1,404 words on the car ride home from Detroit but other than that I've spent the day trying to set up my laptop. There were more than a few surprises.

All day yesterday for 24 hours, I left my laptop off after letting it power down. Customer support for Toshiba promised this would increase its battery life from the paulty 1 hour and 50 minutes that it seemed to average with a full charge. They promised my father it would be nearly three hours.

47,213 / 50,000

Well, in the end it did increase battery life - but only by about 20 minutes.

So, I wrote as long as I could in the car and ended up with almost the daily word count. Yesterday night, I not only beat my goal but ended up with 45.8k finishing up Chapter Sixteen. And I was on such a role that I started Chapter Seventeen where the body count of the story increases to two. I so enjoyed the killing off on the main skinhead, even if I did it "off-camera."

The only problem is that as I slide into 50,000 - which I hope to do tomorrow at the Lincoln Park Write-In and maybe get a picture of my typing the 50,000th word since there will be other people around - is I've fallen back into method writing. I'm just working more things that happen in my life into the story than I think I did last year where I wrote chapters that take place in internet cafes in internet cafes.

For example, in the latest chapter, I have Liam crossing into East Detroit (which is Windsor in the alternate history) to track down Luke with Colm. Yeah, I didn't cross into Detroit from Windsor yesterday or anything. :) That and there's plenty of family things from Thanksgiving. Who's the deciding voice in committee to condemn Charles Lexington? His cousin. And Matthew Starwood gives a big campaign speech on a holiday. It's not Thanksgiving (as in the alternate history this isn't celebrated, especially in October but Spanish-American Friendship Day.

I guess it's not that bad since the stuff I dragged into last year's novel are things that only I knew about. But I'm now trying to figure out what happens in East Detroit and does it stay in East Detroit?

Last night, besides doing a lot of writing, I came up with a list of questions that still need to be answered before the end of the novel. The amount of loose ends that need tying up has actually multiplied since I did my mid-month appraisal of what was happening.

I figure after 50,000, I should probably start trying to wrap things up. It consisted of 10 plotlines that I need to pick back up. The most important of which is Samuel Charlton, Liam's childhood friend who's now a police officer who hasn't appeared in the novel since he was mentioned by Emmie in chapter nine. In theory, he's the one who ends up creating the situation leading to the climax so I think the next chapter - the one where I hit 50,000 most likely - is as good as any to bring him back in.

Though I'm not going to try to make Charlton the 50,000th word. That would be entirely too much of trying to incorporate things into the novel that were happening in real life. :)

incendiarymind: 47,213 words
reliantfc3: 46,006 words

2004 NaNoWriMo: 55,725 words
2005 NaNoWriMo: 47,213 words


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