Monday, November 28, 2005

Developing Religion Over NaNoWriMo

Yesterday night with two beers from Gold Star in me (Brooklyn Sharon was in town this weekend) and fresh off watching the newest episode of "American Dad" where Steve Smith gets a novel published, I was inspired to write quite a bit yesterday night until 1:15 a.m. or so.

49,107 / 50,000

I just love Seth MacFarlane since only he would run an episode on getting a novel published on the last weekend of NaNoWriMo. He's pretty atune to what's happening in the youth-based world and so I'm sure it wasn't accidental.

The best part of the episode was that Stan Smith had written over 200 novels that were never published. He used the excuse that he wasn't writing for the fame, he was just writing for the enjoyment of creating the story (of course his line of logic changed when Steve gets "Roger Is An Alien" published). And then the "camera" pans to a pile of rejection letters higher than the stack of manuscripts.

Since as I've said before I have no desire to actually publish this year's novel (besides the LuLu offer if it's out there) the episode and that scene really hit home. I can really picture myself one day having a stack of 30 NaNo novels all sitting in a room professionally bound by a print-on-demand services but never even edited.

Forget the rejection letters, I'm not even writing for that!

The weird thing about yesterday night's writing session was for the second year in a row, I ended up incorporating religion into the novel. Last year Emily ends up going to see a priest in Berlin and this year it gets even more religious.

Luke, it seems, when Liam confronts him in his room at a seedy motel in East Detroit (where he had fled for his life in fear of Charles Lexington) has taken up reading the bible. In particular, he confesses that he's become obsessed with the Judas passages.

If that's not tipping the suspicion scales on who the police informant is, I don't know what does - although it could just be a red herring. :)

Anyway, I found myself on bible study web sites (I guess it beats looking up the security procedures at Charles DeGaulle Airport like I did last year), in particular Judas (John 13:18-30) on

Never figured I'd be on that site, especially during November. Well they say people get more religious at the end and I am nearing the end of this year's 50,000 words. :)

I just love that instead of having a character with a Jesus Complex, I'm developing one with a Judas Complex. Sure that literary trick has been used before but I'm getting quite a few words out of it. I'm not praying to get more, but it might seem that way.

2004 NaNoWriMo: 59,198 words
2005 NaNoWriMo: 49,107 words

incendiarymind: 49,107 words
reliantfc3: 46,006 words (though she stated on her LiveJournal that she's over 49k today also and just hasn't updated her official count)

One last interesting point about my word count. I have the highest word count of anyone in Chicago that is not over 50,000. But there are quite a few people right around the same area who will probably join me in the "Class of November 28." reliantfc3 will probably also be one of these so it's a good day to finish.


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