Monday, October 31, 2005

This Is Just A Story And It Could Be All Fiction

Only 13 hours until the start of National Novel Writing Month.

I think I will type away for about 45 minutes once the stroke of midnight hits. That is if I'm not still out (and the prospects of that aren't great). Then tomorrow at lunch I'm going to attempt maybe 500 words (if I'm lucky). My goal before I leave for New York City on the 5th is 10,000 words but I think that's going to be mission impossible so more realistically I'll probably hit 6,000 and hopefully sneak some internet cafe time in while I'm there.

If worse comes to worse, I'll be bringing the notebook and go old school writing stuff out. Though I know when I try to type the words into Microsoft Word, I'll end up editing everything.

Not that it's necessarily a bad thing to turn on the inner editor on occasion during NaNoWriMo but with the slowdown, I'm not sure I'll have time to do this. I could borrow a laptop from work, but I have to figure out a reason why I need it (since I'm not going to be able to use the database on the road and I have no actual work-related writing projects). So I'm doubting that's going to happen.


Blogger incendiarymind said...

Thanks Holly. Have I ever told you you're my favorite NaNo blog? Sya, pshaw. :)

8:05 AM  

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