So Write Me, I'm Shitfaced
Earlier this pre-NaNoWriMo season, I made a joke about always writing sober but having a bottle of vodka available just in case. I forgot that there is an advantage to getting drunk during NaNo for real, however.
Last night's poison wasn't vodka but instead it was cider with just a crapload of rum in it. I mean rum with a little cider in it followed by an old style and four cups of keg beer. I know that's not a lot of alcohol but being the little dude that I am, that was more than enough (the term lightweight isn't used as just an insult but a general descriptor in my case).
I came home from the Halloween Party I had been attending further south in Logan Square, washed off the blue face paint (I went as a Blue Man) and went right to sleep enjoying the extra hour that falling back provides.
And I had a dream that could have provided a plot, if I didn't already have one.
At this point I don't remember it but it was a cycle of four post-modern stabbing mysteries. The layers were all listening or watching stories about these stabbings and then the crime would happen in their reality. I'm vaguely writing a crime novel, but it's not that kind of crime novel so it did me no good. I'll have to see if coming home drunk again tonight from another Halloween party actually helps with my plot.
Yes, for those of us above 21 (not that beer marketing actually, you know, tries not to aim their tallons at others), alcohol is quite a crucial part of NaNoWriMo, it's a shame to admit. :)
To the newbie, for example, I highly recommend going to the kickoff party in your Municipal Region. Some of them have already happened and if that's the case forgive me for being a little bit behind in posting this idea.
If you're not sure when it's happening in your particular region, you can check out the calendar function under the forums on under Regional Lounges - USA and clicking on your local area.
Mine's Illinois::Chicago (a kick ass Regional Lounge as can be seen in comparing the number of posts to others). :) There are also various international lounges.
Since a lot of people reading this are other Chicago types, our calendar is at
Which reminds me, I have to add the West Side Writing Group - Tuesday nights at 6:30 at Quenchers Saloon, 2401 N. Western right on the border of beautiful Bucktown and beautiful Logan Square and easily accessible from the Western or California blue line stop, the Fullerton bus, or the Western bus.
At least I can add it as soon as we officially decide on a location at the Chicago kickoff party on November 1 at Goose Island Brewery (1900 N. Clybourn) - see, it's at a Brewery. :).
Though now that I look at the dates again, I'll actually be in New York City on the 8th for the first official meeting. Oops. Well, someone else will have to take over the discussion, whatever that might be. :)
If you sign up to be in a Municipal Region and are signed into the site, you can just click on the local events tab.
There are pictures of the Houston Kickoff Party (another thing Chicago will beat Houston in, though again I'm not a White Sox fan) at the entry "And We're Off" (October 28, 2005) at the blog NaNoNuts to give the first timer an idea of what they're like.
Also from the same site I found a link to NaDruWriNi - National Drunk Writing Night.

This year, the event falls on Saturday, November 5 (which will be one of the nights I'm in New York City) and I probably won't be participating. Oh, I'll be drinking alright but I don't think my New York friends will be very appreciative of my sitting in the bar with a sketchpad writing down mad thoughts to incorporate into my speed novel.
If only I had a laptop and a nice internet connection. Or maybe I could see if the New York::New York City municipality is doing anything for this. Though, I'm sure they're not as drunk as Illinois::Chicago. :)
Last night's poison wasn't vodka but instead it was cider with just a crapload of rum in it. I mean rum with a little cider in it followed by an old style and four cups of keg beer. I know that's not a lot of alcohol but being the little dude that I am, that was more than enough (the term lightweight isn't used as just an insult but a general descriptor in my case).
I came home from the Halloween Party I had been attending further south in Logan Square, washed off the blue face paint (I went as a Blue Man) and went right to sleep enjoying the extra hour that falling back provides.
And I had a dream that could have provided a plot, if I didn't already have one.
At this point I don't remember it but it was a cycle of four post-modern stabbing mysteries. The layers were all listening or watching stories about these stabbings and then the crime would happen in their reality. I'm vaguely writing a crime novel, but it's not that kind of crime novel so it did me no good. I'll have to see if coming home drunk again tonight from another Halloween party actually helps with my plot.
Yes, for those of us above 21 (not that beer marketing actually, you know, tries not to aim their tallons at others), alcohol is quite a crucial part of NaNoWriMo, it's a shame to admit. :)
To the newbie, for example, I highly recommend going to the kickoff party in your Municipal Region. Some of them have already happened and if that's the case forgive me for being a little bit behind in posting this idea.
If you're not sure when it's happening in your particular region, you can check out the calendar function under the forums on under Regional Lounges - USA and clicking on your local area.
Mine's Illinois::Chicago (a kick ass Regional Lounge as can be seen in comparing the number of posts to others). :) There are also various international lounges.
Since a lot of people reading this are other Chicago types, our calendar is at
Which reminds me, I have to add the West Side Writing Group - Tuesday nights at 6:30 at Quenchers Saloon, 2401 N. Western right on the border of beautiful Bucktown and beautiful Logan Square and easily accessible from the Western or California blue line stop, the Fullerton bus, or the Western bus.
At least I can add it as soon as we officially decide on a location at the Chicago kickoff party on November 1 at Goose Island Brewery (1900 N. Clybourn) - see, it's at a Brewery. :).
Though now that I look at the dates again, I'll actually be in New York City on the 8th for the first official meeting. Oops. Well, someone else will have to take over the discussion, whatever that might be. :)
If you sign up to be in a Municipal Region and are signed into the site, you can just click on the local events tab.
There are pictures of the Houston Kickoff Party (another thing Chicago will beat Houston in, though again I'm not a White Sox fan) at the entry "And We're Off" (October 28, 2005) at the blog NaNoNuts to give the first timer an idea of what they're like.
Also from the same site I found a link to NaDruWriNi - National Drunk Writing Night.

This year, the event falls on Saturday, November 5 (which will be one of the nights I'm in New York City) and I probably won't be participating. Oh, I'll be drinking alright but I don't think my New York friends will be very appreciative of my sitting in the bar with a sketchpad writing down mad thoughts to incorporate into my speed novel.
If only I had a laptop and a nice internet connection. Or maybe I could see if the New York::New York City municipality is doing anything for this. Though, I'm sure they're not as drunk as Illinois::Chicago. :)
Ah yes, kick-off parties are always a blast.
During all the years I've done Nano, I haven't tried writing and consuming alcohol at the same time--but then I tend to fall asleep and that's not a good thing. I tend to go for the caffeine for those late night writing binges.
It is something I'd try after I got totally stuck. I mean I always think I'm a great writer after a few drinks and all. :)
But I too have never tried it.
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